Posts in Thoughts
The Creative Brain

I’m not making any judgment calls about you, your kids, or whatever.  What you decide to do is between you and your doctor.  However, in our society, how many Bob Dylans, Picassos, Salingers, etc. are we stifling because they can’t sit still or focus very well?  How many actually have a disorder and how many are creatives who are struggling to fit a system they’re not made to fit?  I don’t know.  I don’t have the answer, I just know it’s a question worth asking. 

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Reflecting on Two Years of Sobriety

At this point, I’m so far into this thing that it almost feels like another lifetime ago.  While I have no problem admitting I’m an alcoholic, the reality is, I just don’t drink.  I often write things because I need to hear them, and then I put them out into the world in case anyone else needs to hear them.  However, I’m not writing this for me, I’m just writing this in case you need to hear it.

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“Rich Men North of Richmond” – Not Good.

I have no issue with Oliver Anthony.  Seems like an alright guy.  It’s not his fault that all this is happening, he just performed his song and people ran with it.  I hope he gets a good payday out of it, but he’s not Jason Aldean, he won’t be number one on Apple Music again this time next year.  Again, I don’t blame him, I blame all of you for propping him up just to let him take the fall.  Will you be downloading his next song?  Will you buy a shirt?  Go to a show?  Or is he just the latest mascot?

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War Pigs & the Art of the Protest Song

As a general rule, I don’t like to mix entertainment and politics.  This is mostly because the only preaching I like to hear is on Sunday mornings.  There’s a place for preaching, but it’s not in art.  Art is supposed to bring awareness and ask questions.  It can’t answer those questions for you.  You shouldn’t give a crap what an entertainer thinks of politics, one way or another. 

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Some Thoughts on Genre

But on a grander scale, while I understand that these terms are used to better describe the music to people with words, but it’s gotten kind of out-of-control.  I’m not sure if this is a product of so many people being able to make music at home and the diversity of the offerings are just widening that much or if it’s a product of our culture’s desire to over-classify everything right now. 

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1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration

People want music to be magical.  That’s good, music is magical, but it’s not rocket science.  Back when I sold wine and people were amazed at my blind tasting skills, I told them, it’s just time, a lot of wine and deductive reasoning.  Music is no different.  At least recording is no different.  I’m just working with my ears more and my mouth less.  Most people who know me probably think this is a good thing. 

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It's Weird to Be Dangerous and it's Dangerous to Be Weird

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the lack of danger in rock and roll.  It’s really hard to argue against that.  As Noel Gallagher recently said, they don’t want him, they want Harry Styles.  Someone to whom they can say, “go put on a dress” and they’ll just go put on a dress.

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