Highlights from Two Weeks on the Road

On one hand, where do I begin?  But on the other, I don’t want to give too much away about recording.

Here are some highlights:

  1. Memphis - Very short time in Memphis with my wife, but we had a great time.  Did a lot in a very short amount of time.  My wife had never been so we had to hit all the spots at least briefly.

    1. Took our pictures at the gates of Graceland

    2. Drove by Ardent Studios.  It’s still undergoing renovations, but had to go by there.

    3. Went by 1372 Overton Park - home of Elvis’ dojo and former rehearsal space of Lucero.

    4. Visited Sun Studios and did the tour.  Have to admit, I got a little emotional standing at the piano underneath the picture of the Million Dollar Quartet.  Hearing those songs coming out of those speakers, knowing all that music was made in that room.  It’s as close to magical as I believe in.

    5. Visited Stax and I can pretty much say all the same things I can say about Sun, except it was Booker T’s organ and not Elvis’ microphone.

    6. Drove by the Lorraine Motel and the American Civil Rights Museum.  Again, I’ve been and we’ll go back next time we’re in town and have more time.

    7. Walked to the end of Beale Street at the river where Jeff Buckley’s body washed ashore.

    8. Visited the Rock & Soul Museum that the Smithsonian does at the FedEx Center, or whatever it’s called (I know I should know but I don’t).  Very cool museum, I definitely recommend that to anyone going to Memphis.

    9. Ate BBQ on Beale Street for lunch.

    10. Had dinner and stayed the night at the Peabody, watched the ducks.

    11. Visited the grave of Chris Bell on the way out of town.

    12. I still think I’m forgetting something.

  2. Chicago - this was mostly to see my wife’s family in the burbs, but we did take the Blue Line into the city and visit the Art Institute.  I think we were all a bit underwhelmed.  The wife and I because we’ve been there so many times, though I never get tired of visiting Nighthawks and a few other favorites.  It was depressing to see what’s become of that area.  I spent 4 years of my life going to DePaul University at the Loop campus (now it’s the law school).

  3. Georgia - Long drive down to Eatonton to see an old family friend and his family, but well worth it.  I hadn’t seen Jim since my wedding 18 years ago, though we have stayed in touch.  Great conversations both Saturday night and Sunday.  Went to church with his family on Sunday and then he went with me to Andalusia.  I don’t have a singular hero or role model, or even anything like that really, but whatever short list I have of people who I love and admire, Flannery O’Connor is at the top.  I am not the writer she is, but I do try to write from the same place and for the same purpose.  There’s not many I can even say that about.  Seeing where she wrote and her crutches, it tore at my heart.  Hearing stories of her biting wit and great intellect, filled my heart with joy.  God broke the mold when he made her.  What a privilege it was to visit and I can’t wait to go back.

  4. Nashville - short stop this time to spend a little time with my friends Mark and Clark and interviewed Tim Carroll (formerly of the Gizmos) for my Indiana music book. Had a great time with Tim - so much so I may need to interview him again because the conversation went in all kinds of musical directions. I really enjoyed his stories about the Gizmos, Blue Chieftains and his solo work, as well as his perspective on making art.

  5. Indiana - I drove country roads and took pictures of wooden churches painted white, which I adore.  I drove by Mellencamp’s Belmont Mall and on Friday ate downtown on Kirkwood.  I’ll talk more about the experience at a later time, but suffice it to say, I don’t think I want to make an album any other way ever again.  I really enjoyed the people and I am deeply proud of what we accomplished.

More deep thoughts from Jack Handy coming soon, but that’s it for now.

Til soon.